Prototype 2 (2012) Repack KaOs 4.7GB

Release Information
Release-Title:————[ Prototype.2-KaOs ]
Language:—————–[ English ]
Archive/Count/Volume:—–[ RAR 97*50MEG = 4.7 GB]
Release/Date:————-[ 30-07-2012 ]
Ripped/Packed:————[ KaOsKrew ]
Iso/Crack:—————-[ SKIDROW Proper ]
Ripped/Removed:———–[ Foreign Streams, Development Vidoes ]
Movie/Recode:————-[ 45% ]
Audio/Recode:————-[ None ]
Texture/Recode:———–[ None ]
Drivers/Extras:———–[ DX, VcRedist, ]
You are Sgt. James Heller, a soldier left to die, distraught husband to a deceased wife and father to a dead son. You are infected. There is one thing left to do — hunt down and kill Alex Mercer. Become the ultimate shape-shifting weapon in Prototype 2. Cut through the wastelands of post-viral New York Zero and build a genetic arsenal of all-new biological weapons and abilities on your quest to murder your maker and the devil himself, Alex Mercer. Witness building-size infected beasts ambush entire city streets. Glide and parkour across the cityscape. Take on swarms of highly trained Blackwatch soldiers. Step into the role of Sgt. James Heller, and hunt, kill and become anybody who stands in your way to absorb memories and gain new abilities. Wield the unbelievable Tendril power that allows you to lift and tear apart cars and military vehicles, ensnare powerful infected beasts and shred groups of enemies to pieces. Track down your enemies by emitting sonar pulses from your body. Choose from a wide variety of new Mutation perks, including better locomotion abilities, sharper claws and enhanced disguise abilities, to build and customize the ultimate Prototype. The virus has left the city in ruins, but it’s not going to stop you from achieving your goal. Unleash the true power of infection raging within you and kill Alex Mercer.

Play as the all-new infected protagonist, Sgt. James Heller, soldier and husband to a deceased wife and child, in this sequel to the popular open-world game, Prototype
Become the ultimate shape-shifting weapon as you cut through the wastelands of post-viral New York Zero and build a vast genetic arsenal of deadly new biological weapons and abilities on your quest to kill Alex Mercer
Take down the devil himself, Alex Mercer, against the explosive backdrop of New York Zero and its warring factions fighting for control over the infection
Explore New York Zero’s three distinct zones, including the heavily militarized Green Zone, the overcrowded refugee camps of the quarantined Yellow Zone and the war-ravaged home of Alex Mercer, the Red Zone
System Requirements
OS: Windows® XP / Vista / 7
CPU: Minimum: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.6 GHz or AMD Phenom X3 8750
RAM: Minimum: 2 GB
GPU: Minimum: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT series with 512 MB RAM or ATI Radeon HD 4850 with 512 MB RAM


Step-1:——-[ UnRAR Yourself Or Use Our Install.exe ]
Step-2:——-[ Run ~Unpack~.bat As Administrator To Unpack/Rebuild ]
( Our Install.exe Does This Step For You )
Step-3:——-[ Click deponia2.exe To Play ]

Download Links


One Response so far.

  1. I downloaded the parts and when extracted there are some empty folders and nothing else.Plz Help I am dying to play it.It would Be great if you create a tutorial plz.

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